Dog ownership isn't always pretty! It is that time of year the fleas and ticks are out. YUCK!
Everyone knows what they are. Once a dog gets them they are no fun for everyone involved. Did you know our canine friends can get tapeworms from fleas? So not only does your poor pooch have these nasty itchy little bugs on him/her, but they may be in danger of getting Tapeworm! (We'll get to the Tapeworm in our Worm post. Yes, we cover all the fun topics here.)
Also, once fleas get in your house, well, lets just say, they are the like the house guest that over stays their welcome. And if you have multiple dogs, that is all the more fun for the fleas.
Your blogger doesn't recommend a flea collar.
-If you have a dog that gets bored when you are not home, they may find a way to get the collar off and decide to make in to a chew toy!
-Young children may pet the dog and cuddle with them. Now they have been exposed to the toxin on the flea collar.
-Their is debate about their effectiveness.
The best way to prevent your dog from bringing fleas in to your house is to give your dog flea prevention. Your local vet can help you decide what option is right for you dog.
Their are holistic as well as traditional ways to keep you fur-kid flea free.
Here is to a flea free season!
Great Lakes Weim Rescue
I can't believe that dogs can get tapeworms from fleas. That is very scary. Killing fleas with removers such as Frontline Plus For Dogs is just part of the problem.
Pet owners should always look for hidden causes of fleas and make sure that their dog does not go near an infested area.
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