OK, so the heart isn't really broken, but Heartworm is a very serious and deadly condition.
GLWR has seen their fair share of Heartworm positive dogs.
Our recent addition, Violet, is positive and will be under going treatment.
Her former owner did not give her preventative and due to this reason she will now undergo the painful procedure to rid her of the worms.
All is takes is one pesky mosquito to spred Heartworm. Every state in the lower 48 states has reported cases of Heartworm every year. So if your dog is from another state they could have still been exposed.
A yearly blood test can help rule out the disease as well as prevention. Your local Vet office should carry at least one brand you can purchase. Make sure your dogs weight is recorded accurately so the proper dosage is given.
A dog that was once Heartworm positive, they like any other dog, must stay on prevention for the rest of their lives. They are just as susceptible as getting it again as any other dog. They do not build up an immunity nor is it a condition once they get it they will never get it again.
As serious as the disease is, those that are treated, can go on to live long, happy, and health lives.
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