Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ewwww!!! What is that???

One of the first things many people notice about Weims, after their color, are their ears. Long and beautiful! Soft as velvet.

But inside those ears it's a differnt story all together! Routine cleaning, like with any breed, is imperative. As with their Pointer cousins sometimes Weims can have an over growth of yeast in their ears. This can lead to an undesirable scent.

If this is something that you notice first clean each ear. After doing so give you Weim a dollop or two of PLAIN yogurt on their food. Not only will they love it, but this will help clear up their "yeasty" ears.

Of course the rest of your pack, even those without yeasty ears, would enjoy this treat too. Plain yogurt also aids in their digestion.

As always if your sweetie pie has food allergies, you must be extremely careful if you chose to introduce a food they have never had in the past.
You may also want to take your Weim in to see his or her Dr. They can evaluate their ears and prescribe any necessary medication they may need.

And look at it this way, they are easier then Basset or Bloodhound ears! But on our blog much of this info and health care help with other breeds as well.

Stay Warm!

Great Lakes Weim Rescue