Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's Hot Out There!

Summer is here and is it ever a hot one.

If your Weim is like mine, he or she will lay under the ceiling fan in the air conditioned house. Yet when you are outside they will be your Velcro and at your side no matter how hot.

We just want to remind you when your dogs are out with you make sure they have plenty of fresh cold water, I fill our bucket with ice cubes, keeps them busy! Also a shaded area in case they want to cool off a bit.

This is the time of year many people go hiking and camping. As much as our fur kids enjoy it, sometimes they don't realize how over heated they are.
Here are some signs to watch for:

-Heavy Panting
-Thick Saliva
-Wide "Bug" Eyes
-Bright Red Tongue
-In Sever Cases, Coma
Please make sure to pack a first aid kit for your fur-kid and plenty of fresh water.

Include in your first aid kit:
-Triple Anti-Biotic
-Eye Wash
-Ace Bandage (size depends on size of your dog(s) )
-Petroleum jelly
-Benadryl capsules (for allergic reactions)
-Hydrogen peroxide
-Bandage scissors
-Saline Solution
-Phone number of a local emergency vet

A friend recently told me about a friend of hers. A care giver was watching her non-fur kids. They ran to the store, the kids wanted to dog to come with. They took her, left the car windows up, when they came back 45 min later!!!!!!! the dog had over heated and crossed the bridge. The little girls were devastated, they were to young to understand to need the windows open, the care giver was not. In the event you see this in a parking lot please notify your local law enforcement as well as the store you are going in to so they can announce over their system the licence plate number and a dog in left in a care with the windows up.

We hope you have a safe and cool summer,
Great Lakes Weim Rescue

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Butterflies and Gardens...

It is that time of year to start the garden!!!

Of course butterflies are not toxic and can provide fun and entertainment for puppies and sometimes adult dogs too!

Remember when planting flowers, fruits and veggies or buying trees, some are toxic to the fur-kids. Some tags will let the buyer know it may be toxic to dogs. Also some will let you know if it repels deer!

Some common toxic garden varieties include:

-Day Lily
-Easter Lily
-Holly Bushes
-Birds of Paradise

Please check the following sites for a complete list:

Happy Gardening,

Great Lakes Weim Rescue

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Maisey's Story

This post is under construction, please check back soon.

Thank you,

Great Lakes Weim Rescue

Giardia and Coccidia

People are more familiar with hearing test for heartworm, some, depending on where they live, check for tick born illness, but giardia and coccidia...Not as much.

Giardia and Coccidia are single cell organisms. They find their way to the dogs intestine and that is when the trouble starts.

With both dogs must ingest a the cyst from the parasite. But this does happen and before you know it the dog is infected.

Coccidia is seen more in puppies then adult dogs. Puppies are not born with Coccidia, but they can become infected from their mother.

Giardia is seen in puppies and adults. This is transmitted by other animals fecal droppings.

Many dogs that come in to shelters as strays, or those who live outside in unclean conditions, with unclean water to drink come in bring Giardia with them.

A simple stool sample can detect the parasites, BUT it is difficult. The organisms are very difficult to see.

Under a microscope, Giardia looks like a cartoon or over exaggerated drawing. Coccidia looks like black dots.

Symptoms include:

-Blood in diarrhea
-Lack of appetite
-Very thin, to thin, may look emaciated.
Both of these must be treated immediately. More then one round of treatment may be required.
-If you have multiple dogs designate an area for the infected dog to potty.
-Clean up immediately, do not allow fecal to sit out.
-Dog not allow your other dog to "mother" or clean the infected dog.
-Keep a careful eye on your dog that is not infected.
-Follow your veterinarians course of treatment.
-Remember, you dog will recover and be back to normal, it is just a bump in the road of dog ownership.

Your Friends At,

Great Lakes Weim Rescue

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Worms and Parasites.

In rescue we see many things, one of the most common is parasites and worms. When we pull a dog from a shelter most of the time they are strays and/or not cared for very well.

Worms come in all sizes and shapes.

When dogs are strays they come in contact with all sorts of hazards. The most common being a worm or parasite. When a lost or stray dog gets thirsty they look for water anywhere, in puddles, lakes, ponds, dirty water holes. When they are hungry they will find anything they can to eat, sometimes small animals such as mice, rabbits, maybe a baby bird.

Many of these wild animals have fleas which of course can jump to the dog. Not only are the fleas an itchy annoyance, but they can also cause a dog to get Tapeworm.

Tapeworms like to make themselves at home in the dogs intestines. While in the intestine the Tapeworm grows and absorbs the nutrients meant for the dog. Tapeworms can grow to be larger then most worms dogs come in contact with. They look like a long thin limp noodle.

Hookworms are another worm that dogs can pick up while searching for food and drinking contaminated water. Once again these can be treated -- more then one cycle of treatment is required. These worms are generally very small and are hard to see with the naked eye. However like with Tapeworm and other worms, you may see dead ones in your dogs fecal when they are dying off from the medication.

Whipworms occur in a dog when they ingest the eggs or larva from an adult worm. They take a bit less then 3 months to hatch and become adult worms that then live once again in the dogs intestines. These are also small, usually smaller or as small as hooks. They have what looks like a thread at the end of their bodies.

Roundworms are probably the most common and easily recognizable. The best way to describe them is like a white worm. A single dog can carry many roundworms and in their fecal deposit thousands of eggs just waiting for another host. Roundworms are visible to the naked eye.

IT IS IMPORTANT IT YOUR DOG HAS WORMS TO PICK UP THEIR FECAL AS SOON AS THEY GO. This can help prevent reinfection as well has minimize the exposure to any other dogs you may have. Also, do not let your other dogs groom or clean your dog while they have worms.

As aggravating as these worms are with hand washing and a clean yard transmission to a human is extremely low.

All these worms are treatable, if your dog comes in contact with them after a run in the field, walk in the woods, trip to a dog park, or anywhere else they may go.

A simple fecal can check for all these worms and more. To treat worms is fairly easy. Your dogs doctor can give you a liquid or power medication. All the medication must be given and a 2nd round is usually required. Always give as directed, this is a toxin or poison, to much can be harmful to your dog, but in the right dosage will kill off the worms without harming your dog.

While your dog is on the medication you may notice some diareah. Some canned pumpkin can help firm up their stools, don't be alarmed if their stool becomes the color of the canned pumpkin. Also you may notice some dead worms in their stool Don't be alarmed, this is completely normal.

In sever cases as some of us have seen, myself included, when a dog has an advanced case and have a heavy infestation they may vomit some dead worms. Simply clean them up and immediately use a cleaner to clean the are. Your dog will be OK, it is just another way to rid themselves of the worms. Luckily this is the exception, not the rule.

Have a safe and happy Spring! We hope you and your pets enjoy the outdoors.

Great Lakes Weim Rescue (Tapes) (Whips) (Hooks) (Rounds)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Not only are ticks hard time find, they tend to blend in very well, they like to bring a few diseases with them.

We have all heard that humans can get Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), Lyme Disease and Ehrlichia. Dogs can too! Dogs with these conditions can be treated and go on to live a normal healthy lactive lives.

Your blogger has a dog she pulled from a shelter that had RMSF (and Heartworm). On her trip to the vet I asked for a Tick Titer, which is a simple blood draw. The blood is sent to the lab to check for exposure.

If your dog comes back positive for exposure treatment should be started immediately! At that time antibiotics should be given. My girl didn't have any symptoms and still showed positive for exposure.
Many wellness exams do not include a Titer for Tick Born Illness. This is something you would have to request.

Dogs can pick up Ticks just about anywhere, even in your own backyard.

If your dog is active and goes on hikes with the family, dogs parks, hunting, walking through the woods they can pick up a tick, just as easily as we can.

Flea and Tick Prevention is available for your pet. Most veterinary offices carry at least one brand you can purchase.

And who wants to pick off those creepy bugs?!
Great Lakes Weim Rescue

Oh no! Flea Season

Dog ownership isn't always pretty! It is that time of year the fleas and ticks are out. YUCK!

Everyone knows what they are. Once a dog gets them they are no fun for everyone involved. Did you know our canine friends can get tapeworms from fleas? So not only does your poor pooch have these nasty itchy little bugs on him/her, but they may be in danger of getting Tapeworm! (We'll get to the Tapeworm in our Worm post. Yes, we cover all the fun topics here.)

Also, once fleas get in your house, well, lets just say, they are the like the house guest that over stays their welcome. And if you have multiple dogs, that is all the more fun for the fleas.

Your blogger doesn't recommend a flea collar.

-If you have a dog that gets bored when you are not home, they may find a way to get the collar off and decide to make in to a chew toy!

-Young children may pet the dog and cuddle with them. Now they have been exposed to the toxin on the flea collar.

-Their is debate about their effectiveness.

The best way to prevent your dog from bringing fleas in to your house is to give your dog flea prevention. Your local vet can help you decide what option is right for you dog.

Their are holistic as well as traditional ways to keep you fur-kid flea free.

Here is to a flea free season!

Great Lakes Weim Rescue

Sunday, April 19, 2009


OK, so the heart isn't really broken, but Heartworm is a very serious and deadly condition.

GLWR has seen their fair share of Heartworm positive dogs.

Our recent addition, Violet, is positive and will be under going treatment.

Her former owner did not give her preventative and due to this reason she will now undergo the painful procedure to rid her of the worms.

All is takes is one pesky mosquito to spred Heartworm. Every state in the lower 48 states has reported cases of Heartworm every year. So if your dog is from another state they could have still been exposed.

A yearly blood test can help rule out the disease as well as prevention. Your local Vet office should carry at least one brand you can purchase. Make sure your dogs weight is recorded accurately so the proper dosage is given.

A dog that was once Heartworm positive, they like any other dog, must stay on prevention for the rest of their lives. They are just as susceptible as getting it again as any other dog. They do not build up an immunity nor is it a condition once they get it they will never get it again.

As serious as the disease is, those that are treated, can go on to live long, happy, and health lives.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ewwww!!! What is that???

One of the first things many people notice about Weims, after their color, are their ears. Long and beautiful! Soft as velvet.

But inside those ears it's a differnt story all together! Routine cleaning, like with any breed, is imperative. As with their Pointer cousins sometimes Weims can have an over growth of yeast in their ears. This can lead to an undesirable scent.

If this is something that you notice first clean each ear. After doing so give you Weim a dollop or two of PLAIN yogurt on their food. Not only will they love it, but this will help clear up their "yeasty" ears.

Of course the rest of your pack, even those without yeasty ears, would enjoy this treat too. Plain yogurt also aids in their digestion.

As always if your sweetie pie has food allergies, you must be extremely careful if you chose to introduce a food they have never had in the past.
You may also want to take your Weim in to see his or her Dr. They can evaluate their ears and prescribe any necessary medication they may need.

And look at it this way, they are easier then Basset or Bloodhound ears! But on our blog much of this info and health care help with other breeds as well.

Stay Warm!

Great Lakes Weim Rescue