People are more familiar with hearing test for heartworm, some, depending on where they live, check for tick born illness, but giardia and coccidia...Not as much.
Giardia and Coccidia are single cell organisms. They find their way to the dogs intestine and that is when the trouble starts.
With both dogs must ingest a the cyst from the parasite. But this does happen and before you know it the dog is infected.
Coccidia is seen more in puppies then adult dogs. Puppies are not born with Coccidia, but they can become infected from their mother.
Giardia and Coccidia are single cell organisms. They find their way to the dogs intestine and that is when the trouble starts.
With both dogs must ingest a the cyst from the parasite. But this does happen and before you know it the dog is infected.
Coccidia is seen more in puppies then adult dogs. Puppies are not born with Coccidia, but they can become infected from their mother.
Giardia is seen in puppies and adults. This is transmitted by other animals fecal droppings.
Many dogs that come in to shelters as strays, or those who live outside in unclean conditions, with unclean water to drink come in bring Giardia with them.
A simple stool sample can detect the parasites, BUT it is difficult. The organisms are very difficult to see.
Under a microscope, Giardia looks like a cartoon or over exaggerated drawing. Coccidia looks like black dots.
Symptoms include:
Symptoms include:
-Blood in diarrhea
-Lack of appetite
-Lack of appetite
-Very thin, to thin, may look emaciated.
Both of these must be treated immediately. More then one round of treatment may be required.
-If you have multiple dogs designate an area for the infected dog to potty.
-Clean up immediately, do not allow fecal to sit out.
-Dog not allow your other dog to "mother" or clean the infected dog.
-Keep a careful eye on your dog that is not infected.
-Follow your veterinarians course of treatment.
-Remember, you dog will recover and be back to normal, it is just a bump in the road of dog ownership.
Your Friends At,
Great Lakes Weim Rescue
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