Summer is here and is it ever a hot one.
If your Weim is like mine, he or she will lay under the ceiling fan in the air conditioned house. Yet when you are outside they will be your Velcro and at your side no matter how hot.
We just want to remind you when your dogs are out with you make sure they have plenty of fresh cold water, I fill our bucket with ice cubes, keeps them busy! Also a shaded area in case they want to cool off a bit.
This is the time of year many people go hiking and camping. As much as our fur kids enjoy it, sometimes they don't realize how over heated they are.
Here are some signs to watch for:
-Heavy Panting
-Thick Saliva
-Wide "Bug" Eyes
-Bright Red Tongue
-In Sever Cases, Coma
Please make sure to pack a first aid kit for your fur-kid and plenty of fresh water.
Include in your first aid kit:
-Triple Anti-Biotic
-Eye Wash
-Ace Bandage (size depends on size of your dog(s) )
-Petroleum jelly
-Benadryl capsules (for allergic reactions)
-Hydrogen peroxide
-Bandage scissors
-Saline Solution
-Phone number of a local emergency vet
A friend recently told me about a friend of hers. A care giver was watching her non-fur kids. They ran to the store, the kids wanted to dog to come with. They took her, left the car windows up, when they came back 45 min later!!!!!!! the dog had over heated and crossed the bridge. The little girls were devastated, they were to young to understand to need the windows open, the care giver was not. In the event you see this in a parking lot please notify your local law enforcement as well as the store you are going in to so they can announce over their system the licence plate number and a dog in left in a care with the windows up.
We hope you have a safe and cool summer,
Great Lakes Weim Rescue